Friday, March 25, 2011

Long Lost

Oh, where have you been my long lost friend… at least that’s what I would imagine an adoring(and imaginary) blog “fan club” would be saying to me right now. It’s been too long. I have thought about apologizing (to myself) or trying to come up with a few great well worded excuses for my absence but here is the deal- other than being a new mom – I don’t have any great excuses – that’s it. Time passes uber quickly and next thing I know it its been 9 months – okay actually 13 months -  since I last wrote. It could be deemed a period of mental gestation, and I have birthed not a baby this time, but Adonis DNA / warlock blood level guilt.

With that said- I am over it.  

We’ve been busy here, seriously. And in an effort to catch myself up (for personal reasons not for my adoring public) here is a brief summarized list of what has happened in the last 13 months:

  • Worked all last spring and grew a big round belly - like Orca huge belly towards the end.
  • Got over baby not being a girl and got REALLY excited about welcoming a baby boy.
  • In one of the warmest early summers in the history of summer our little one arrived on July 3rd- YAY! Just shy of a yankee doodle dandy!
  • The temp seemed to keep rising and my feet seemed to keep swelling (no one told me that they get BIGGER right after you give birth - thanks for that).
  • We started the new back patio – yippee!
  • Baby ate and ate and so he grew – and at 8 months he’s now a size 2 (OK that’s a stretch but not too far from the truth … it rhymed)
  •  I am not sure what else other than laughing, eating, sleeping, pooping, laughing, crying, rolling over, sitting up, laughing, etc. we did or experienced last summer to 2011 that I can pass along… its like a hangover - you know that something happened the night before but you really aren’t sure exactly what. But this time its less college level “leaving your dignity in the gutter outside your favorite bar” and more trying to remember a really fun vacation years after the fact.
  • We did of course take over 500 photos of our newest addition in the first 3 months alone. But out of the 500+ I think there may be MAYBE 6-8 with us, his PARENTS in them.
  • Fall & winter came and then so did the snow and the before we knew it  - it was the holidays – wham bam thank you MA'AM.
  • Stopped the back patio for 3 months b/c  well … we couldn’t see it under the perma-foot-o-snow.
  • The dogs ate our grill.
  • Uh- oh, T turned the big 4-0h. I turned 36 but actually didn't realize it - for the last few months I have vehemently been convinced in my own mind that I will be turning 35 in 2011 - yep, that's right - it has begun.
  • Buddy nipped the oil delivery man in the knee – nice.
  • H started daycare – and I reclaimed a few days a week to start working and to try and get a FEW things done…. booo responsibility but yay freedom!
  • We squeaked through January and February relatively unscathed save for H’s first serious cold immediately followed by his first GI bug (yuck) immediately followed by mine, then T’s. Triple yuck.
  • Buddy nipped the fed ex man in the rear as he was hauling his you know what up our driveway  in a crazy sprint to get away – urgh.
  • Along the way and in between viral infections H started to crawl – “watch out world here me come!”
  • T and I took a WELL deserved mommy and daddy only vacation (H stayed with Grana & Granddaddy) in Florida. It took us 12 hours to figure out what to do with ourselves. For the record, I slept until 9 am TWICE - for the first time in a year at the least- YAY me!
  • Back patio started back up- and almost done- YAY Paco & Sebastian!!
  • We returned home to a brief spell of spring weather- and started getting really excited for the coming months - then the rug pulled out from under us and here we are back at freezing. Booooooo mother nature.
  • Taylor rigs to grill (which until now was still out of commission) and we can once again cook outside - our favorite!
  • Despite the return of the cold- I ordered my new raised beds- YAY veggies!

I think that at least puts me close enough back to the present. Not sure where to go from here yet but there you have it- I’m back.