Friday, October 23, 2009


Welcome to Day 22 of my "Gestational Cycle" which means that as of today we could SEE our teenie tiny baby the old candy jar... which is growing ridiculously fast. Just the other day when we were in to confirm this whole parents to be thing, our nubbin was the size of a pinhead, now an eraser. I am hoping that the next analogy will relate the baby to the size of one of the crazy huge prenatal vitamins I take 6 of each day just to make up for the fact that I take SIX of them... who's idea was it again to make these things so big that poor women who are lucky to keep down a saltine have to choke them down 2 at a time three times daily? The nerve.

What an odd experience this has been so far... we tell our parents tonight, which will make things MUCH better as we will have people to "turn to" to chat, lament, ask questions of, worry with, laugh with, plan with - the whole ball of wax...whew and finally. It is hard to keep this kind of news tucked in. It's like winning the lottery and then going back to work the next day like nothing happened... yeah, right.

We had our first ultra sound today, piece of cake. All is where it should be and looks like it should etc.. After a little internal stress last night on my end of "what happens if this ISN'T going to actually happen??" passed we rallied ourselves for a first thing doctor's appt.. As it turned out, the hardest part of the visit was realizing that our doctor has a bottle of what we can only assume to be "snake oil" in his office- I know WTF right???? This is no shabby doctor either, despite what the About me section may have you think of us- we do not live in a house with wheels in the deep south, we have all of our teeth and our church services aren't held under a canvas tent in a field.   This guy is top notch (and knows it actually-but that's another story), so seeing a funky clear glass bottle filled with various colored and sized snakes and snake skins soaking in oil was super creepy. 

I would like to add to this story that there is one thing that I knowingly fear the most... yep... snakes... I don't care if they are alive or dead; 2 inches small or 20 feet long; in our backyard in the wood pile or behind glass at the Zoo. They are, and will always be the same devilish, disgusting slithery things that make my knees knock. So yes, seeing this intriguing bottle on the obligatory doctor's office "Cool nick knacks I've collected in my travels thanks to your money" shelf set me back a little... breathe... over it... moving on...then he told me I couldn't have splenda along with the 3 million other things I can't have (sure - kick me while I am down- how else is someone supposed to make DECAF coffee taste better???).

I guess in the grand scheme of things I should be thankful. After nine months of trying for a baby, and the time finally being here, I should (and DO) feel lucky that the only thing that makes my knees currently knock are snakes in a jar and the rug woven of my multitude of vices being pulled out from under me. Oh yes, and my husband, but that's in a good way- still- for now...we do have a long way to go in this pregnancy though, hee hee. 

Anyway, we are back at home. I with my blah decaf coffee trying to determine what I can eat next that is on the short list of healthy things for mom to be, my husband with his amped up leaded version of the morning kick in the pants and a day of work at home on his hands. Our nutty dogs who for some reason seem to have the WORST smelling gas today (Budreaux in particular) and a pending rain storm that should arrive just in time for the big 'Spill the Beans' dinner with our parents - which is also why I made beef bourguignon for dinner aside from the fact its so easy its not funny. I am SO having an illegal sip of champagne tonight to celebrate. If this baby is going to be a Goetz, it better get used to the good stuff early on. 

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