Monday, April 4, 2011

Wait for it… wait for it… WALKING!!!

Well not officially off and running on his own yet, but our little Boysie took his first solo steps this weekend- YAY! And uh oh.  He hasn’t done it much since save for a few stumbly steps here and there when we try and entice him with something usually forbidden like a USB cord, or the cordless phone but it’s clicking – you can see his little (actually big judging by the head circ. % that the doctor took today) brain working- the wheels turning. YAY! Now I am ready, ready for toddler-dom. I think…

Today is 73 degrees outside and I am finding it hard to motivate to do anything. Not sure why, exhaustion, so much to do so little time. I remember when H was a baby and things would get too loud and he would essentially just “shut down” close his eyes and just go to sleep – he probably could have done it in the middle of a demolition derby if we would have ventured there (we didn’t btw).  – But I think I am suffering from a similar issue right now- spring is here, there is SO much to do that I may be mentally shutting down. Trying to juggle playing with H, getting the garden in, fast approaching holiday, playing, working, trying to see friends, walking, working, playing, and so forth is flat out exhausting. The only thing I long for right now is a nap.. a really long one. Of course Add to it the ridiculous fact that I have every intention of painting Henley an Easter basket, making a moss covered wreath, blowing out eggs to decorate for Easter this year, still have to steam clean the carpet in the living room, figure out if I am going to make or buy new outdoor cushions this year (probably buy) and them some. Why? Well, mainly because I have little better to do other than overload myself with craft projects in the thick of an already schedule heavy spring. I am mother, hear me roar- I CAN do it all, and I will prove it. Although I may go down trying so stay tuned.

I do have something however to share- a good friend of one of my oldest and bestest girls has a children’s party business. So despite the fact that for 2 years now I have been on the fence about trying to possibly transfer my event planning expertise into this area more formally and that b/c of that she is totally cutting my lunch I will also flat out say that she ROCKS. If I DID ever wind up taking my business this route- this is what I imagined it being – but hers is better because I don’t have to do a thing – she’s pulled it all together. Here is a link to her stuff… check it out lonely reader and soak it in!! Her name is Corinn and her company (with her sister Ashley) is Corley Designs-

My mom and I have also been searching high and low for leather sandals for children- the traditional kind that we all (at least in our family) wore growing up and where the best darn thing since sliced bread – we used to call them “Sandies” but I have no idea where to begin looking these days. Stride Rite makes a similar shoe but I haven’t seen it in person yet so cant whole heartedly say that I have completed the mission. 

I have every intention of staying on track looking – because I have plenty of time.

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